Dolphin Maritime and Aviation Services

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International specialists in all aspects of inland, marine and aviation transport cargo claims.

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International specialists in all aspects of inland, marine and aviation transport cargo claims.


Date: 15 February 2025   Type: Grounding   Voyage: Mexico/Bahamas/USA/Canada... Read more

If you have insured cargo on board the following vessels and would like us to assist you in pursuing any claims arising from these incidents (or any similar cases), or if you require assistance in providing GA or salvage guarantees, please contact us as soon as possible.

Date: 23rd November 2010     Type: Collision     Voyage: Indian Subcontinent and Far Eastern Ports


Salvors have appointed an arbitrator in the LOF salvage claim and have requested salvage security at 65% of CIF values. In addition GA has been declared with the GA estimated at about 15% of CIF values.

We already represent cargo in respect of this case and would be happy to assist you in respect of the salvage, GA and recovery if you are involved.


The TIGER SPRING has signed LOF and there will be a salvage claim against all property on board. We understand that she had around 350 containers on board. Salvors are mobilising with the aim, we believe, of lightening the vessel as a prelude to refloating.

In addition there will be significant cargo damage, as two holds are flooded. We already represent cargo on board the TIGER SPRING. If you would like us to defend your interests in the salvage claim and pursue recovery please do let us know.


Reports have been received that Bahamas flag vessel GREEN VALLEY (9600gt built 1995) was in collision today with Gibralter flagged vessel TIGER SPRING (8971gt built 2006).

The accident took place at Hoogly Point near Kolkata. Both vessels had pilots on board. We understand that no injuries have been reported but there is some pollution.