Dolphin Maritime and Aviation Services

Survey Agents Directory
International specialists in all aspects of inland, marine and aviation transport cargo claims.

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International specialists in all aspects of inland, marine and aviation transport cargo claims.


Date: September 2024   Type: Engine Damage   Voyage: USA/Japan/Singapore/Europe... Read more

1. Settling work is charged on a standard fee scale based upon the size of the claim. Fees are capped at a maximum amount except in exceptional cases or if the matter is particularly complex and gives rise to unusual requirements, in which case a time and trouble fee may be levied.

2. Claims recoveries are undertaken on a no-win-no-fee (contingency) basis and we charge commission, usually as a percentage of the sum recovered.

If we are not successful, there is no fee and there is no minimum charge.

In cases where we need to appoint lawyers or consult technical experts, this is done only with the prior consent of the client and legal and expert fees are charged at cost.

3. Casualty & GA work is charged on a time & trouble basis. Any recovery element is charged on our normal recovery fee scale (as above) unless clients specify at the outset and we agree that the recovery is also pursued on a time and trouble basis. If we provide salvage security on behalf of underwriters, we do so subject to our being instructed to handle the entire case. If underwriters subsequently choose to instruct another party, they warrant to simultaneously replace our salvage security.

In other matters, such as investigations or where we act as consultants, our fees are charged on a time and trouble basis at extremely competitive rates.

If you require more detail about our fees please contact us ( with subject: FEE SCALE)

As we do not charge for an initial opinion, you have nothing to lose and much to gain by contacting us.

For further, specific details about our fee scale and our Terms and Conditions, please contact us ( with subject: TERMS & CONDITIONS)