If you have insured cargo on board the following vessels and would like us to assist you in pursuing any claims arising from these incidents (or any similar cases), or if you require assistance in providing GA or salvage guarantees, please contact us as soon as possible.
Date: 24 March 2022 Type: Listing, Water Ingress Voyage: India to Bangladesh
Reports have been received that Bangladeshi flag vessel MARINTRUST-01 (2,337gt, built 2017) developed a heavy list to port whilst berthed at Kolkata on 24 March 2022.
We represent the insurers of more than half of the approximately 200 containers of cargo on board the vessel. Cargo damage is expected. It is also likely that claims for salvage and general average will be made against cargo insurers.
MARINTRUST-01 is a container vessel that operates between India and Bangladesh. The vessel was due to sail from Kolkata yesterday, but the sailing schedule will obviously be significantly delayed.