If you have insured cargo on board the following vessels and would like us to assist you in pursuing any claims arising from these incidents (or any similar cases), or if you require assistance in providing GA or salvage guarantees, please contact us as soon as possible.
Date: 31st July 2014 Type: Machinery Damage and General Average Voyage: Argentina to Vietnam
Reports have been received that Liberian flag vessel OMEGAS (39,963gt, built 1997) has suffered propeller shaft damage during her current voyage from Argentina to Vietnam.
As a result, the ship owners engaged the assistance of Salvors on LOF terms and have declared General Average.
The insurers of the cargo of soya beans and soya bean meal on board the vessel are required to provide general average security before the cargo can be delivered.
The vessel is on a voyage from Argentina to Vietnam, having sailed from Bahia Blanca on 27th June 2014.