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International specialists in all aspects of inland, marine and aviation transport cargo claims.

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International specialists in all aspects of inland, marine and aviation transport cargo claims.


Date: 15 February 2025   Type: Grounding   Voyage: Mexico/Bahamas/USA/Canada... Read more

If you have insured cargo on board the following vessels and would like us to assist you in pursuing any claims arising from these incidents (or any similar cases), or if you require assistance in providing GA or salvage guarantees, please contact us as soon as possible.

Date: 14 March 2022   Type: Grounding   Voyage: Far East/Americas/Far East (01133 007 E/W)

*****Second Casualty Report*****

Containership EVER FORWARD has now been aground off the port of Baltimore for more than two weeks.

There have been two unsuccessful attempts to re-float the vessel. The next attempt has been scheduled for early next week.

Given the increasing cost of the salvage operation, the vessel’s owners Evergreen have declared General Average (GA). This decision is described as “cautionary” so it is not yet clear whether the GA claim will actually be pursued.

*****Initial Casualty Report*****

Reports have been received that Hong Kong flag vessel EVER FORWARD (112,836gt, built 2020) ran aground yesterday off Gibson Island, Chesapeake Bay.

The vessel was under pilotage at the time and an investigation into the cause of the incident is being undertaken.

Salvage craft are in attendance, together with the US Coast Guard. Reportedly EVER FORWARD is approximately 18 feet out of draft.

It is not yet clear whether this incident will lead to claims for salvage and/or general average against cargo insurers. We are monitoring the situation and will update this casualty report if it appears that claims against cargo insurers will arise.

EVER FORWARD, a VLCS, was due to call at Norfolk and New York, before returning west through the Panama Canal to ports in the Far East.

Prior to running aground, the vessel had sailed from Baltimore the previous day, Savannah on 05 March, Coco Solo on 28 February, Yantian on 02 February, Hong Kong on 31 January, Kaohsiung on 28 January and Xiamen on 26 January.