If you have insured cargo on board the following vessels and would like us to assist you in pursuing any claims arising from these incidents (or any similar cases), or if you require assistance in providing GA or salvage guarantees, please contact us as soon as possible.
Date: 20 March 2022 Type: Cargo Loss and Damage Voyage: 209N, China and Korea to Americas
Reports have been received that Liberian flag vessel DYROS (40,165gt, built 2008) lost around 90 containers overboard in heavy seas recently.
The accident was reported yesterday and occurred when DYROS, a containership operated by Maersk, was around 1,200 miles east of Japan.
The vessel is now expected to deviate to Yokohama where the extent of damaged suffered by the vessel and the remaining cargo will be assessed.
There are expected to be around 100 containers on board that are damaged, although this figure is subject to change.
DYROS operates on Maersk’s TP7 transpacific service. The voyage number is 209N. Prior to this incident the vessel had called at Yantian (14 March), Shanghai (11 March), Qingdao (08 March) and Busan (27 February). DYROS had been due to call at Seattle and Lazaro Cardenas.
We are already assisting insurers of cargo on board. If you are also insurers of cargo affected, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
We can assist with arranging cargo damage surveys, settlement of policy claims and also recovery of losses on “no cure – no pay” terms.
收到报告称,悬挂利比里亚国旗的船舶 DYROS(40,165 吨,2008 年建造)最近在汹涌的海浪中损失了约 90 个集装箱。
昨天报告了这起事故,当时马士基运营的集装箱船 DYROS 在日本以东约 1,200 英里处发生。
预计船上大约有 100 个集装箱受损,尽管这个数字可能会发生变化。
DYROS 在马士基的 TP7 跨太平洋航线上运营。航次号为209N。在此事件之前,该船曾停靠盐田(3 月 14 日)、上海(3 月 11 日)、青岛(3 月 8 日)和釜山(2 月 27 日)。 DYROS 原定要驶向西雅图和拉萨罗·卡德纳斯(Lazaro Cardenas)。
我们可以协助安排货损检验, 保单理赔以及以“不成功-不收费”条款追回损失。