If you have insured cargo on board the following vessels and would like us to assist you in pursuing any claims arising from these incidents (or any similar cases), or if you require assistance in providing GA or salvage guarantees, please contact us as soon as possible.
Date: 20 August 2020 Type: Hijacked Voyage: UAE to Somalia
Reports have been received that Panamanian flag vessel AEGEAN II (5,677gt, built 1994) has been hijacked by six Somalian pirates off the coast of Bereeda, Somalia, today.
The number and nationality of the crew on board AEGEAN II is unclear but discussions are underway to free them.
The chemical tanker was on a voyage from Khor Fakkan to Mogadishu when the incident occurred.
Claims for General Average (GA) will sometimes arise from hijacking incidents. If you are insurers of cargo on board, please let us know if you require our assistance.