If you have insured cargo on board the following vessels and would like us to assist you in pursuing any claims arising from these incidents (or any similar cases), or if you require assistance in providing GA or salvage guarantees, please contact us as soon as possible.
Date: 22nd July 2015 Type: Fire Voyage: 1509/1510 Mediterranean/Middle East/Mediterranean
*****Follow-up Report*****
This casualty report follows our earlier report below.
This message is a circular report sent to various cargo insurers that might be involved. If you have not insured cargo on board MAERSK SEOUL or have already responded to our earlier report, please disregard this email.
Following the fire on board, MAERSK SEOUL is discharging her cargo at Jebel Ali. Some cargo is damaged.
The Salvors that assisted the vessel and cargo require security from cargo insurers on terms acceptable to Lloyd’s of London. Or, alternatively, from insurers with a credit rating of A- or better. Salvage security is quantified at 12.5% of cargo CIF value. We can arrange that security and we already represent the insurers of part of the cargo on board. If salvage security is not provided then Salvors will require a cash deposit for 12.5% of the cargo value.
General Average has also been declared. General Average security is required from cargo insurers with a credit rating of A- or better. We can usually arrange such security for cargo insurers that do not have that credit rating. In the absence of General Average security, the Adjusters have requested a cash deposit in respect of General Average of 27.5% of the cargo value.
General Average and Salvage security are required before the cargo can be delivered.
We have also retained a fire expert to investigate the cause of the fire on the vessel.
Should you require our assistance please let us know.
*****Initial Report*****
Reports have been received that Liberian flag vessel MAERSK SEOUL (94,483gt, built 2006) suffered a fire and explosion on board earlier today just off the coast of Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
The vessel is currently on her way back to Jebel Ali from where she had sailed on 19th July 2015. Prior to this the vessel had called at Jubail, Damman, Khalifa, Jeddah, Port Said, Genoa, Barcelona, Valencia and Tangier.
She is likely to also be carrying transhipment cargoes to and from various other ports around the world.
The vessel is being assisted by Salvors under an LOF salvage contract.