If you have insured cargo on board the following vessels and would like us to assist you in pursuing any claims arising from these incidents (or any similar cases), or if you require assistance in providing GA or salvage guarantees, please contact us as soon as possible.
Date: 08.09.09 Type: Grounding Voyage: South Africa to Turkey
Reports have been received that Panama flag vessel SELI 1 (19031gt built 1980) has run aground off the coast of South Africa.
It is understood that professional Salvors have been engaged to try to refloat the vessel. The bulk carrier had originally sailed from Durban with a cargo of coal for Turkey.
A salvage claim will be made against the owners/insurers of the cargo on board. It is also possible that general average will be declared. We believe that the salvage claim will be substantial and security will need to be provided on terms acceptable to the Council of Lloyd’s.
If you have insured the cargo of coal on board this vessel and require our assistance dealing with any security demands and claims for salvage and/or general average, please contact us as soon as possible.